@xianc78 and if you're white, accept that you're inherently an evil oppressor who personally killed six gaborillion Jews and enslaved blacks and countless other crimes. @noyoushutthefuckupdad @lain @1iceloops123
@1iceloops123 you can't be "oppressed" if you're a white male according to the shekelbergs, you're inherently evil and must sacrifice your country and culture for your crimes. Everyone knows that. @xianc78 @lain @noyoushutthefuckupdad
@1iceloops123 I was shitposting but yeah they actually think that you can't oppress white people or be racist to them. @xianc78 @lain @noyoushutthefuckupdad
i thought everyone and their mom was opressed or was it just some gay ass hipster making shit up like always