
The bias in the media to ignore racism towards whites and exagerate it or assume it when towards blacks is very real. I wont argue that.

That still doesnt contradict my underlying argument however. It just means the media, as usual, is so monumentally bias you cant use it to discern anything useful about the situation. You actually have to bother analyzing the data yourself. When I do that the fact remains that blacks are very much the target of racism (though not the only target) and that this effects a lot of the problem. Just because it is far less exaggerated than the media likes you to think doesnt suddenly mean it is non-existant either.

@matrix @Rudolf_von_Goldenbaum


@freemo even the depths of the Mariana trench aren't deep enough to express my profound disappointment in you.
@ChristiJunior@neckbeard.xyz @matrix @Rudolf_von_Goldenbaum

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