>500 pages of romantic tension with some handholding as a treat.

An extremely Canadian fight has broken out at the freedom protest in Ottawa.

It's this particular brand of stupid short videos that will never stop making me laugh at them.

I fucking hate winter because I can't walk barefoot outside like nature intended.

As someone who used to "flip burgers" getting it to be done right every time especially during a massive rush, while making sure everyone is happy while getting rock bottom pay and you're probably having to work while sick is NOT an easy job.

Un flambeau, Jeannette, Isabelle -
Un flambeau! Courons au berceau!
C'est Jésus, bonnes gens du hameau.
Le Christ est né; Marie appelle!
Ah! Ah! Que la Mère est belle,
Ah! Ah! Que l'Enfant est beau!

Probably hitting up the bars after work, seeing if I can con stupid old fags into giving me free drinks and shit.
«oui, j'toé joué, mais t'aimes-tu, ne?»

So this guy apparently has 4 wives.

I choose an alternate reality where he has one wife (because children) and 3 husbands.

"Now starting with competitive pay of $8/hr, no benefits part time only."

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.