@LukeAlmighty it's incredibly stupid for them not to plan for something like that

@LukeAlmighty >that are not Latin based
Last time I checked Czechia doesn't fucking use Cyrillic

@LukeAlmighty @ChristiJunior it's also worth noting that the peak sexual attractiveness in males isn't that far from it either, iirc it's 18~20ish.

@LukeAlmighty yes the reason for rich men choosing young women is *checks notes* history

C'est un aperçu du printemps, mais il fait à nouveau frette mercredi.

@matana yes fuck Russians and their *shuffles notecards* need for medications

@becassine @wholesome i cant help but read your name as "bakeassine" and i refuse to correct this

@hj there are many Quebec things we do that we will take criticism, poutine isn't one of them. @coolboymew


"What kind of person would I be if I ruined the world for spite"

"A Jew"

So apparently my little cousin has been sticking little gold stars on Jewish kids in school for weeks. When he got suspended my aunt and uncle just laughed hilariously.

>500 pages of romantic tension with some handholding as a treat.

@AR-15 if I were to write a villain like Gates in a novel my editor would tell me to be a bit more fucking subtle, AND YET. @TheIronHeart @MachineMadeDog @MechaSilvio

@MeBigbrain the people that were (understandably) enraged by the residential school burial discovery are oddly quiet about the native woman getting battered. Hmmm. @becassine @parker

@MeBigbrain this is the painful irony I've just come to expect from Canadian affairs. @becassine @parker

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