@LukeAlmighty it's incredibly stupid for them not to plan for something like that
@LukeAlmighty >that are not Latin based
Last time I checked Czechia doesn't fucking use Cyrillic
@jeremiah @LukeAlmighty what a fucking power move that would be
@LukeAlmighty @ChristiJunior it's also worth noting that the peak sexual attractiveness in males isn't that far from it either, iirc it's 18~20ish.
@LukeAlmighty yes the reason for rich men choosing young women is *checks notes* history
@matana yes fuck Russians and their *shuffles notecards* need for medications
@RedRocket69 more realistic
"I copied your code"
"It works?"
@becassine @wholesome i cant help but read your name as "bakeassine" and i refuse to correct this
@hj there are many Quebec things we do that we will take criticism, poutine isn't one of them. @coolboymew
@crunklord420 "white privilege"
@AR-15 if I were to write a villain like Gates in a novel my editor would tell me to be a bit more fucking subtle, AND YET. @TheIronHeart @MachineMadeDog @MechaSilvio
@MeBigbrain the people that were (understandably) enraged by the residential school burial discovery are oddly quiet about the native woman getting battered. Hmmm. @becassine @parker
@MeBigbrain this is the painful irony I've just come to expect from Canadian affairs. @becassine @parker
Zoomer himbo. I like dudes.