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Bad storms barreling towards my area so it's drinking and smoking time.

>took a guy I like out for a date at a bar
>he can't hold his booze
>drunk after a beer and half
Oh well, he's still cute I guess.

The $1M question: how the fuck do they enforce this?
Does he have a gay detector? Is it just off of vibes?

Some people are really upset over stupid nonsense.

(I'll remake your meal please just stop yelling.)

Au soir, les catholiques français traditionnels ont empêché que leur église soit utilisée à mauvais escient pour accueillir un concert profane. (Nantes)

C'est pourquoi il faut qu'on gatekeep notre communautés.

Traditional French Catholics have tonight blocked their church in Nantes from being misused to host a secular concert.

This is why it's important to gatekeep our communities!

T'es ma drogue et je tellement accro.
Ta boucane, ta visage faire ma cœur s'enflamm'ra.

The masculine urge to rescue stray animals and give them a good home.

>mfw going back to my rugged self after pretending to be a femboy for free shit.

>have an online class
>forgot to switch off the camera before lighting a cigarette
>everyone saw
"Tanner, we know you're of legal age, but please don't smoke on camera."

How the fuck am I supposed to handle this class?

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.