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"Now starting with competitive pay of $8/hr, no benefits part time only."

Bad storms barreling towards my area so it's drinking and smoking time.

Fun fact: I'm banned from entering the Russian Federation (including airport transit) until 2024.

>took a guy I like out for a date at a bar
>he can't hold his booze
>drunk after a beer and half
Oh well, he's still cute I guess.

@WhiteTemplar @Bronsai

Take up old fashioned hobbies you can talk about with normies - gardening, pets, metal working, whittling, etc. It's hard to make conversation when all you can talk about is the latest Minecraft update. DON'T start watching normie tv and movies or the news.

It might help to create a persona which you can assume. Think about the kind of guy you want to be - solid, thoughtful guy who actively builds community, funny or quiet, whatever - and think about how you can act like that guy. "Time to be Future Me" every time until you ARE Future You and don't have to pretend. The fruits of the spirit are a good place to start when considering the kind of person you want to demonstrably be to those around you. What does it mean to be gentle and kind? How does that look for you?

The $1M question: how the fuck do they enforce this?
Does he have a gay detector? Is it just off of vibes?

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.