Nintendo are child groomers. This game is about a tranny who runs away from home. It's very explicit.

@natsock nintendo puts trailers for pretty much everything that has a trailer on their account, kind of like playstation does which is how you end up with "life of black tiger" on the official playstation youtube.

this game is made by gears for breakfast, same developers as a hat in time, which doesn't surprise me considering that towards the end with some of the DLC they started including trans flags in there. bunch of faggots.

@beardalaxy @natsock Gears for Breakfast is publishing it. The game is made by some new studio known as Frog Vibes.

This game IS coming to Switch. Nintendo also allowed 2064 Read Only Memories (pure SJW LGBT propaganda) on their eShop.

@xianc78 @natsock if we're getting mad at Nintendo we should also be getting mad at valve because it's up on steam too. Neither have a very strict policy on what goes on their storefronts all things considered.

Still doesn't surprise me that gfb is the publisher though.

@beardalaxy @xianc78
Not only is Nintendo a company with a younger user base than Valve/Steam, this trailer is on their YouTube channel.

@natsock @xianc78 bruh nintendo has hentai games on their store and you can very easily find them, video game demographics have changed a little bit since the 90s.

esrb rated the game E and nintendo sees a cute platformer game and from a reputable publisher that has already done stuff on their platform. so i think the fault lies more with the devs/publisher and maybe even esrb waaaay more than nintendo. better to cut to the root anyway.

@beardalaxy @natsock @xianc78 tell me what hentai games Nintendo has.

I want them :zt_peek: they have the fun parts removed I figure, right?

@RehnSturm256 @xianc78 @natsock some nudity but no nude sex acts, but i mean there's stuff like galgun, nekopara, literally one called "hentai: make love not war." they're not going to have anything over an M rating on there but you can see some pretty spicy stuff.

they didn't remove that last one even though it got a lot of press coverage, and in the description it says you can "play it with one hand" so, you know.

filtering by mature on the nintendo shop is probably the best way to see all of them, but there are some sites out there that make top 10 lists or whatever too.

@RehnSturm256 @xianc78 @natsock yeah there's not gonna' be anything hardcore on there and most of them are devoid of any actual intrigue (lots of slide puzzle games, you know the deal). there are some on there that are pretty good though. i'm not really in the business of getting games like that on my switch, but godspeed.

@RehnSturm256 @xianc78 @natsock the point is, nintendo doesn't just put out games for little children. i mean they've got bayonetta as an IP lol. they have trailers for that up too that are certainly more revealing. there's probably a kid beatin his meat to bayonetta as we speak.

the fact that the game in question is misleading in its advertising and was rated E by esrb is what should be raising some more red flags than nintendo just having the trailer up for it or whatever.

@beardalaxy @RehnSturm256 @xianc78 @natsock no the point is that it's evil and disgusting and rather than find loopholes where maybe it's not so bad, we should focus on a maximalist stance where not only should the game creator be in prison, but everyone at Nintendo as well
What possible reason exists to give these monsters an inch?

@hikari @xianc78 @natsock @RehnSturm256 jesus fuck, it's a game about a fictional character. relax.

the vast majority of people who are going to buy this are already fucked in the head anyway and/or groomed on discord or reddit because their parents don't care about their online activity.

it isn't nintendo's job to play through a game they didn't develop and decide whether or not people who own a switch should be able to buy it. go after the devs if you're going to go after anyone.

that's the last thing i'll say about it because changing people's minds works about 1% of the time. if that. i've said all i had to say.

@beardalaxy @xianc78 @natsock @RehnSturm256 "it's a game about a fictional character"
Okay, it shouldn't exist and people should be punished for creating it.
Stop making excuses for this. Are you libertarian or something?

@hikari @xianc78 @natsock @RehnSturm256 the only punishment people should get for making a gay game catered toward faggots feeling better about themselves is a lower sales figure. it's your typical niche reddit/twitter game for mentally ill people that's getting more attention than it deserves because nintendo (the so-called "kid company") has a trailer for it, as if they don't have trailers for plenty of other stuff that is not kid-friendly but is still loved by kids who ought to not be let loose on the internet so strangers can groom them into liking this shit (which is funny enough exactly what this niko game is about).

fucks sake, five nights at freddy's is HUGE with kids despite being a horror game about rogue/cursed animatronics tearing children apart. i'd wager to say it's main demographic is children. that's got a trailer on nintendo's youtube channel. the horror!!

i'm more concerned about drag queens going to schools and reading gender affirmation books to children than some dev team making a game for terminally-online faggots whose parents didn't love them.

the game on steam has just over 600 reviews. not worth the time. the only people playing this on switch have either already played it and are going to buy it again or were sucked into the faggot machine a long time ago.

@beardalaxy @xianc78 @natsock @RehnSturm256 all I see from you is market arguments and making excuses.

@hikari @xianc78 @natsock @RehnSturm256 punishing people for ideas you don't like, ESPECIALLY when it is a work of complete fiction, is only great until there's an idea you do like that you get punished for.

@beardalaxy @xianc78 @natsock @RehnSturm256 okay libertarian well that's already our material reality so I have nothing to lose by wanting that for my enemies
@hikari @beardalaxy @xianc78 @natsock @RehnSturm256 well the dev's twitter, website and email is public so if soeone is so mad no one's stopping ya from sendin them a bomb threat for making a stinky game
@ehhh @beardalaxy @xianc78 @natsock @RehnSturm256 I believe that would result in *me* going to prison rather than them
@hikari @beardalaxy @xianc78 @natsock @RehnSturm256 well, it was an example, not necessarily a suggestion
>jesus fuck, it's a game about a fictional character. relax.
Friend the purpose of art is to influence people and this is a very politically-charged work. I know you think it’s inert and no one should care, but “if you build it, they will come” is an enduring saying for a reason. If you make tranny media, and especially if it’s allowed to propagate, it tilts the world further that way. Because I find that objectionable, I’m bitching about it here.

@hikari @xianc78 @RehnSturm256
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