My Top 100 Games, made with the help of this handy website:

You plug in all the games you want in the list and then it asks you which one you prefer between all of the other ones in a 1v1 showdown. It got pretty close, but I downloaded the spreadsheet and made some adjustments afterward. It isn't perfect, especially with all the different genres in here, but it's pretty close!

I honestly couldn't think of a 100 games off the top of my head

@Awoo yeah this took about 2 hours to make.

@Barry @Awoo kind of forgot about dynasty warriors tbh, it's just when you play a bunch of them they all meld together and seem the same so it just kind of becomes forgettable. i like hyrule warriors but the frame rate is shit so i never played it much.

you did unlock an interesting memory though of me and my ex playing dynasty warriors together after our first date lol.

@beardalaxy @Awoo The games give me the worst kind of paralytic brain fog like it's the equivalent of brain death where when I stop playing I snap out of it possibly drooling.
@beardalaxy @Barry @Awoo Hyrule Warrior's framerate is possibly worse in portable mode because it internally still runs at 1080p for some odd reason. I also had the same qualms about it, but honestly, you just get used to it. I'll never let technical difficulties deter me from enjoying good games, within reason.

For me, it's automatically the best Warriors game ever made, just because of the franchise crossover and the massive amounts of fanservice in it. It's also the first game where I started listening to podcasts on the side when going through the Adventure Map missions and its fantastic for it!

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