I need to take a second to rant about YT's new layout.... It's bad enough that they're trying to hide the ability to save videos for later... you know what makes it actually worse? It's inconsistent. If the SuperThanks thing isn't active on the video, the Save option isn't hidden anymore.

Here's a though: how about you condemn the Clip function to this purgatory. Something tells me the majority of YT users AREN'T clippers, but just people who watch stuff. And during watch time maybe they find that they can't finish a video right away, and want to save it for later.

The next thing Elon needs to buy is YouTube, cause fucking hell, the people in charge have cursed this platform with bad UI and bad quality of life decisions for well over a decade.


@alyx i'd use the clip functionality if it actually produced another video like twitch does instead of a weird video link that i have to share instead of being able to just download. if i want to clip a youtube video to post a small portion of it here or save it to my memes folder, i have to actually download the whole fucking thing and edit it manually.

@alyx i also got rid of the "download" button with brave's element blocker. maybe that's why "save" still pops up for me.

Huh... I haven't though about doing that. I don't have Brave, but I think ublock should be able to do it.

@alyx i know abp can so ublock should be able to also

I honestly NEVER used the YT Clip function, so I have no idea how it works. And I likely never will.

Currently I download a video, and either clip it with Losslesscut (if the cut doesn't need to be very precise), or use ffmpeg to be more precise. For frame accurate cuts, Kdenlive has been the easiest to use so far.

@alyx despite it being generally ass, i use corel videostudio because it has one feature that nothing else i've ever tried does, which is the ability to clip something in the timeline and drag it back into the library without rendering a new file. back when i did youtube lets play stuff with my buddies, that was invaluable for editing highlights from hours of footage.

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