@LukeAlmighty all I know is that it's about a girl who gets her stuffed bunny stolen and goes to get it back

@LukeAlmighty i've played for just over an hour and i gotta say, it is very cute and also pretty funny.

although it definitely is still in early access. i had a crash already and gamepad isn't supported very well. still pretty fun so far though. kind of like a hat in time but with guns.

@beardalaxy @LukeAlmighty @beardalaxy @LukeAlmighty Really fun game so far, but ya, super early access. Since last patch it's been soft locking anytime she interacts with her phone, so I've just been playing the arcade mode most of the time

@NorthernBaron @LukeAlmighty apparently the devs are aware of the crashing issues and working to fix them right now.

@beardalaxy @LukeAlmighty @beardalaxy @LukeAlmighty Ya, I saw on the steam forums. They appear to be responsive to feedback

I'm actually liking the game a lot, nearly 4 hours in. it's super fun :D a little basic in the gameplay department, but a lot of charm. playing on a higher difficulty is worth it.

6 hours in, definitely starting to get challenging now! still a whole lot of fun though and it's hard to put down.

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