My dream self psyched me into having a nightmare and I can't go back to bed now :CirnoForReals:


Saying "the real rock glitch" over and over is too much for my imagination to deal with, man. There is something sinister about that. I need a mind wipe.

not gonna lie, i'm kind of paranoid about sleeping tonight. maybe i'm losing my mind. something about that dream really got to me, as stupid as that sounds.

@beardalaxy I have a easy solution but I need to know when do you need to wake up like how many hours from now.

@beardalaxy ok last thing explain exactly what freaked you out so much.

@Mr_NutterButter i can't really explain it. my nightmares are very rarely ACTUALLY scary, there is just a mood to them that causes my brain to wake up and when i do, my heart's racing and i get really freaked out.

last night in my dream, i was reading off a poem i had written and it started with mundane stuff everybody has to do in life, then kind of progressively got more dark/sad, like a family member dying, losing a friend, etc. then the poem ended with me just saying "the real rock glitch" over and over until i woke up.

i just felt like something was watching me. i turned on my lights for the rest of the night which is not something i've done probably ever.

i might just play some AVGN tonight or something to occupy the silence if i wake up.

@beardalaxy I'll analyze everything you told me tomorrow but in the meantime. I suggest you just relax in bed and listen to a pod cast or something relaxing like a random TV show. Also Bunny :jahysmug:

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