Follow @xianc78 i don't think you understand what i'm saying here. you can be a gun owner, an atheist, a christian, a democrat, whatever the fuck

this post is about NEGATIVE communities of people. the LGBTQ community is full of absolute shit. it's one thing if there's a dude in the "gun owner community" that gets found out to have groomed children or something, but it's another thing if there is an entire community of people that champion that sort of shit and it's becoming completely normalized in schools and in media because of them. are we just going to forget about shit like "desmond is amazing?" why the fuck would you ever want to be part of a community that CELEBRATES CHILD DRAG? 152K followers on instagram btw. FUCK the LGBTQ community for that shit, they're totally diseased and if I were gay/bi/whatever I'd want *nothing* to do with it because i don't wanna' be guilty by association with those freaks. this isn't some "oh but every large community has some bad people in it" it's an ACTUAL PROBLEM.

besides, i do hate organized religion, and i hate the republican and democratic conventions. i WISH the people would stop putting up with their negative bullshit just because it fulfills some of their own positive desires.

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