@enduser@berserker.town @Hyolobrika@berserker.town @xianc78 yeah that's because people on fedi are, for the most part, actually cool (minus english pawoo users) and are here because they don't want to put up with twitter's bullshit, more often than not. but twitter still represents the vast majority of people using social media and even if there are people that you've seen on fedi that are chill, it doesn't change the fact that there are horrible things happening in the LGBTQ community outside of fedi in places like twitter, reddit, discord, meta, and in schools/mainstream media, which is where all the normies and all of the people holding more power reside so it is arguably more important to the fabric of society, and things desperately need to change there.

@beardalaxy @Hyolobrika @enduser @xianc78 @beardalaxy
> there are horrible things happening in the LGBTQ community outside of fedi
It happens here too fren. We just don't see it before of the Great Block Wall
@enduser @Hyolobrika @xianc78

@Awoo @enduser@berserker.town @Hyolobrika@berserker.town @xianc78 i know it certainly happens on pawoo and that's why i excluded them lol

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