@sjw @matrix btw they already do this in the UK. pornhub's parent company owns the company that does all porn related age verification in the UK. Theyre just maneuvering to do the same in the US
@RyokoPilled @sjw @matrix Don't use pornhub and send it to the poorhouse. Problem solved.

@maxmustermann @sjw @RyokoPilled @matrix 99% of porn I view is hentai and most of that is probably loli so pornhub going tits up is a non issue for me tbh I didn't even know it was blocked in my state until someone else told me.

@beardalaxy @maxmustermann @sjw @matrix all you would have to do to get around it is use a VPN anyway, it's the most pointless and toothless thing and doesn't really do anything to actually go after pornographers in a meaningful way or really impact the production, sale and distribution of pornography at all but for some reason wigger fedi thought it was like a major own to the jews
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