Haven't posted here in a while, have I?
I'm on the final chapter in Mother 3 now. Going OK even though I'm not grinding a lot or grabbing the optional super items.
Other game news: Mahjong Soul unveiled new skins for Chiori (best female) and Ryan (best male). They really want my money, huh?


@pagat what's your opinion on mother 3 getting an official English release? Do you think it could ever happen?

@beardalaxy Given that it's been 17 years, and Nintendo has yet to lift a finger against the fan translation, it seems extremely unlikely. Not impossible, of course, but I wouldn't hold my breath.

@pagat at the same time, Nintendo has been reviving old games from the dead recently.

@beardalaxy Honestly, a remake of the whole trilogy in the Link's Awakening HD engine could work. That style would probably be a better fit for Earthbound than it was for Link's Awakening.

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