I just saw another "teach men not to rape" and realized another paradox...

Have you tried telling the guy to not do it? What was the result? Because if you di.... you should know better. And if you didn't... Well.. :blobangel:

@LukeAlmighty I think the point of the phrase is to raise boys in a way that they won't rape people, you know give them an actual moral code instead of a fake one or nothing at all. Because a lot of parents, if they're even there for their kids at all, suck ass.


@ImperialAgent @LukeAlmighty agreed, and teach men to provide for their women and actually stick around.

a good chunk of issues could be solved if kids had two loving parents serving their natural roles and actually taking care of their children in every way. especially in places like white people's mental health and black people's violence.

Yeah that's mostly a problem with niggers and feminism. Get rid of those and the problems are solved.
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