i'm always like 5 seconds away from never playing another new video game ever again. they're just getting more and more shitty. it's not even nostalgia talking because i can go back and play old games i've never played before and find them way more fun than the new slop that comes out. even if it is extremely refined slop, there's still something missing. even something like baldur's gate 3 which was by all accounts an amazing game did absolutely nothing to hook me beyond the 4 hours i played.

half life, FEAR, and portal are games i have played within the last couple of years i hadn't before. they are absolute gems that are still better than the vast majority of shit that's come out in the past decade.

Yes, it is sad, but games are no longer made for people like you. But that's not such a big deal once you get over the initial shock.

The industry is huge, and you have literally decades worth of back log anyway. And you're working now, so you won't be binching games that way anymore anyway.

Although, there is one advice I can give. Learn to play the games for everything they offer. Go on a side quest here and there, and try to not be satisfied with just "good enough". Once you do that, the hours for some games might unironically explode all of a sudden.

@LukeAlmighty >games are no longer made for people like you

ain't that the damn truth. that's why most of the time i find something i really like it's either in a mod, an indie game with a very specific target audience, or a game that nobody else seems to like.

well, modern day developers even say this out loud. they do not make games for people like me anymore because it isn't profitable. it is far more profitable to give slop to general audiences who will eat it up like livestock.

Fifa/call of duty was the black pill on that topic. While the gamer culture is still a strong driving force behind sales of consoles, there are two paralel economies to ours.

1) Mobile/facebook moms.
2) Sports games + COD

And these paralel economies are just as insular as you could immagine, they are still huge drivers of revenue. But I don't see that as a bad thing of itself, since both do boost the gaming economy in general. The issue is just, that the entire topic of gaming is insanely convoluted to talk about, since you're covering several cultures.

Ironically enough, I kinda had to accept this while going to conventions. They are THE DEFINITION of culture clash, since it's the ONLY FUCKING PLACE to socialize for young people, no matter if they are gamers like me, trooned out weirdos, or even the Artist chicks. Those are 3 COMPLETELY DIFFERENT CULTURES, all forced into the same place. And it works about as well as London right now :D

@LukeAlmighty this sounds weird but i kind of don't give a fuck about the gaming economy if it means we're going to keep getting shittier and shittier games to please the masses. the fact that $10, $15, $20 games can come out and still be wildly successful with not nearly as large of a team, budget, or development time frame means that the "gaming economy" is completely broken and the AAA devs are out of their minds.

Again, here I disagree.
Unity and unreal are financed by the gaming economy as a whole. Not just our games.

Same goes for software like Vulcan and hardware graphics cards etc.

I seriously no longer see the issue in this.

Enjoy the art you have. Wasting more thought on the slop made for others is not worth your time.

Although, when I think about it, you might be right........... in the mobile market.

Mobile market had been monopolized by casinos so much, that the entire platform had sufficated all the normal games are impossible to find. And the platform itself was never adapted.

That is why gaming phones were always a dead platform.


@LukeAlmighty i'm not even really thinking about mobile games much. i barely think about them as games at all. i'm talking about how insanely popular games in general have become and how many, for lack of a better term, normies play them.

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