The social environment is transforming way too fast.

When I was growing up, there was one past time for insane people like me, that I could theoretically use once per year to invite friends, and have a good time. But, when I was thinking about this, the entire concept of lan "party" is now DEAD. Completely dead. I doubt, I will be able to get 3 people to bring their PCs, and grab beers with me, when Discord and online lobies exist instead.

What a fucking joke. No wonder people these days "lack social skills", when the social oportunities literally transformed world wide out of nowhere.

The last Lan party I went to was in 2015. My friend Andrea wanted one for her birthday. Most of us bought laptops. Only one guy brought his gaming desktop. We played some Serious Sam and other random crap. We're all older, so we were remembering a forgotten era even back then.

... but I remember even in 2012 there were still cyber cafes if you wanted to game on one of the super high end machines and talk to other random gamers.

... It wasn't even that long ago.

@djsumdog @LukeAlmighty one of my friends and his family do halo Lan parties every now and then and he invites me. Like twice a year. But he's moving to the Midwest :(

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