Let's Play Conspiracy Bingo!

(Not playing because I made the card and that would be cheating)


@xianc78 without actually doing the bingo, i think a good amount of these are actually half truths. real to some extent but perhaps not in the same way. for instance, "white genocide is real" i don't think means the actual killing of white people, but there's another word for it which is more or less replacement by subversion/replacement tactics.

or "covid 19 was planned/hoaxed" i don't think it was actually orchestrated or anything, but i do think the situation was *extremely* taken advantage of, doing lots of really scummy shit and using covid as an excuse.

and on the topic of climate change, i'm of the opinion that man contributes to it but our level of contribution is so little it doesn't make much of a difference, especially when places outside of the west do so much more but we're the ones stuck with journalists telling us not to eat cows because their farts cause climate change or some shit. i think the problem that is far worse is water pollution.

>"covid 19 was planned/hoaxed" i don't think it was actually orchestrated or anything, but i do think the situation was *extremely* taken advantage of, doing lots of really scummy shit and using covid as an excuse.

Event 201 is an obvious indicator that the whole thing was planned along with people working with coronavirus vaccines shortly before the first outbreak. There are plenty other evidence that the whole thing was planned well in advanced.

@xianc78 i've heard that there were other coronaviruses beforehand and that's why they were able to come up with vaccines so fast. the vaccines were absolute dog shit though so who knows honestly.

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