I agree that PC is better than console and that consoles are basically dead at this point, but I fucking hate the culture behind the "PC Master Race" with a passion.

Why? Because they are the most entitled, spoiled, rotten pieces of shit in the gaming community. They are like those fast-food customers who place the most ridiculous special orders, or the upper middle class to rich people who can only watch movies in a home theater set-up. They won't play a game unless they can play it on max settings with the most perfect frame-rate.

This is also one of the many factors that is preventing the "year of the Linux desktop". Even if they game already has a Linux port that is perfectly playable, I know a lot of people who out-right refuse to play on Linux because "the game runs better on Windows" (and by "better" they mean only a slight framerate increase). Let's see if that attitude still stands when Windows goes full SaaS and requires you to be micro-chipped in order to activate it.

I could go on. I also don't like their obsession with RGB lighting on everything and making their computers look like they were designed by aliens. How are you supposed to sleep at night if you are someone who keeps their computer in their bedroom?

I've been PC gaming since I started gaming, and I have always been perfectly content with a mid-ranged PC or even a toaster if I'm just sticking with indies and emulators. No RGB lights, no fancy keyboards or mice, no curved monitors. I really wouldn't have it any other way outside the inability to emulate 7th gen games.

@xianc78 pc master race isn't entirely true these days anyway tbh. mostly because devs don't know what they're fucking doing and every new game stutters like crazy unless you play it on a console.

@beardalaxy @xianc78 The PC mustard ricers seem to be on par with those mobile gaming whales. The key difference is that it's easier to find out which is which thanks to their gaming towers.

@berkberkman @xianc78 i think it's easiest to tell who actually knows what they're doing or not by looking at their PC. most of the flashy ones with extremely good cable management are pre-built.

@berkberkman @xianc78 they look really cool for pictures and stuff, but i would NOT want to have that sitting right next to me all the time lol. my shit is almost completely black and the only light is from my GPU branding text. i don't even have my power led plugged in lol.

@berkberkman @xianc78 crazy enough, my case has 3 optical drive bays and a floppy drive bay.

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