I wish I had time to learn to draw. I'd draw wholesome lolis all the time 😭

@RehnSturm256 I can draw a little bit, and I can imagine scenes and even like them layers of the drawing, but when I start my hand just doesn't do what my brain says xD I have some kanna art I made a long time ago that I like, but it took me several hours and that's time I could be spending on game dev. Plus, I don't have a tablet so it makes it harder.

@Zergling_man @RehnSturm256 thanks :) it's been a long time coming but I'm finally in the home stretch! If you're interested, keep your eyes peeled on that page or @aftermidnight because that's where I'll announce beta applications.

@beardalaxy @RehnSturm256 I know that I will forget if I leave it to a webpage so I am very thankful for having a dedicated account to follow.
I might still miss it anyway. I'd better see if I can get RSS from itch.
Oh yeah you can, good
@RehnSturm256 @beardalaxy I actually want a feature that gives notifications for certain people you follow.
I guess you could do it with an MRF.
OR I could just use a list. I'm not sure my client supports lists, but I could fix that.

@Zergling_man @RehnSturm256 idk how it is anywhere else but on mastodon you can click a bell on a profile and you'll get notifs every time someone posts to their own profile.

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