@dielan @beardalaxy yeah, some people tends to forget that 18/19 is still considered a Teenager but its also the mature age to be considered an Adult, which is safe game. Too bad these days you have people still wanna treat them like babies.

@anonicus @dielan you could be fuckin 25 and if you're dating a 35 year old people will be like "mmmmm sweaty that's problematic"

@beardalaxy @anonicus @dielan idk about that it's somewhat normal for the girl to be younger these days. something to do with them wanting to date upwards and 20 year old men don't have The Career and all that yet
@icedquinn @beardalaxy @dielan yeah that's fair. Honestly back when I was like 18/19 I was still quite immature but quickly grew when I started work in the real world. My preference lowest is 20 for me because of it.
@anonicus @beardalaxy @dielan im not against 3X year old gorls but its hard to find single ones that arent just insane horrible people

even worse for the 4X and 5X age bracket groups

@icedquinn @anonicus @dielan nah dude trust me there are people out there who complain all the time about "problematic age gaps" even when both people are adults

@beardalaxy @icedquinn @anonicus I used to respect 18/19 year olds as adults but as I've gotten older I've begun to think of them more like kids. We just don't have anything in common

@dielan @icedquinn @anonicus i get along pretty well with a lot of them. at the end of the day it really just depends on the person.

@beardalaxy @icedquinn @anonicus @dielan it is the most hilarious when teens go fully ballistic online over the "problematic age gap" of their own parents

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