@mitchconner @PNS it’s always whiteness and never the fact that they’re taking brain altering chemicals and being groomed on discord
@marine@breastmilk.club @mitchconner@clubcyberia.co @PNS@noauthority.social mostly peaceful chemicals
@djsumdog @jeff @marine @mitchconner @PNS To be serious for a moment, injecting excess testosterone does seem to have a very bad effect on women. Even those on low doses report reduced impulse control, violent tendencies, etc.
(Whether it is objectively more likely to cause antisocial behaviour in women than naturally occurring testosterone is in men is an interesting question. Does it affect women more, or are men better adapted / socialised / trained to deal with the side effects having gone through gradually increasing amounts during puberty, etc.)
@mitchconner @marine @PurpCat @djsumdog @jeff @PNS @Flick I was on lots of different meds for depression and epilepsy throughout high school and they fucked me up hardcore. The therapy I had while on them was ass. Took a couple years after stopping taking them to feel normal again. Those high school years feel like a completely different person lived them, like I watched someone else's memories. It's really weird.
My best friend got his degree in pharmacology last year and has already quit. Says he hates the culture and doesn't want to be complicit in fucking people over because he's seen it happen in real time. I hope one day we look back on all of this and see what a monstrous machine it was.
@mitchconner @marine @PurpCat @djsumdog @jeff @PNS @Flick in my case the therapists either were weaving God into it since I live in Mormonville or seemed less interested in helping me get better and more interested in getting me out of the office. I was also really closed in and they didn't really do anything that made me trust them enough to open up. It's a bit blurry though too, maybe my parents had something to do with it because I know my siblings had therapy issues because of that.