@teto @tomie from left to right, andypanther/leahkazuno/mrponytale. robosparkle is the host. you can tell by just listening to their accents and matching the nationality lol.

typically speaking, at least historically, esa has less of this shit than gdq does. not to mention they don't police the commentary as much, they run two streams so they can have more games, and the runs in general are usually more fun to watch. the comments aren't locked to subs only either.

not every run can be a winner though lol i'm just sayin at least esa is tolerable to watch whereas this past sgdq i couldn't stomach it xD

@beardalaxy @tomie you think someone like me did more than just click on it to make a screenshot? The only feeling I have towards these faggots is genocidal
@tomie @beardalaxy they all got long hair. Metalbros really gotta change their style
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