
If I understand the CrowdStrike issue correctly, it's that a bad build or some sort of corruption resulted in a driver being released that had a bunch of null bytes in it, correct?

Well, I think a very similar thing just happened on my game. I'm not quite sure what I did, but I moved a plugin around so I'm assuming that was it, but it generated a bunch of null bytes in the global save file. It resulted in the game not being able to open up the save menu and in some cases it would crash before you could even move the cursor around the title screen.

Kind of strange that these things happened right after one another. Obviously for my game it's not nearly as big of an issue, but it seems to be the same exact thing or a similar thing that happened that fucked everything up.

Wisdoms from programming:
You are not smart enough to make a new mistake. Every mistake you made was made hundreds of times before and will be repeated to infinity.

@LukeAlmighty It generated a save for slot 999 in my game too even though i only have 48 save slots lol. no idea wtf happened but the only thing i did was change that plugin so i'm assuming it should be good now since i changed it back anyway.

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