mr. beast is cooked and i've been waiting for this for years

i hope that everyone who got fucked up is okay and that they'll get taken care of

A tranny who is part of his close staff had some chat logs with minors exposed, to the surprise of no one.

@Jens_Rasmussen @LukeAlmighty apparently his sister straight up called him out for being a freak who needs intervention lmao

@beardalaxy @Jens_Rasmussen
That is one thing I lately was finally able to put into words about troons.

Some people just don't feel like their sex. That is natural, life is complicated.

But, to make people around you uncomfortable on purpose (for instance by waering dress as a man) just because of it is 100% their malicious choice, and their feelings are not an excuse to be that kind of an asshole to others. And demanding change of language goes all the way to abusing randos around you.

In other words, every public troon had already declared that they are psychopathic in nature.

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