@Pawlicker @Tony @anemone i've been saying this for years and especially in the past few weeks here but every time i look at mr beast i see someone who has absolutely no soul behind their eyes. like how do you manage to smile without looking happy 100% of the time? dude is an scp or something.

@Pawlicker @Tony @anemone "if you survive the trenches, i'll give you $300,000 in feastibles stocks!"

@Pawlicker @Tony @anemone ALLEGEDLY, there was a dude working for mr beast in a higher up position, he appeared in videos, that was a child sex offender. he was nicknamed "delaware" because his offense took place in delaware. he was let go at some point and no longer works there, but in the videos he was in he was always wearing a mask. so if this is all true, and it's not just a bunch of people talking mad shit to try and get mr beast taken down without any regard for their livelihoods, there's no way mr beast didn't know about this.

@beardalaxy @Tony @anemone basically most of the video was boring until the end where he drops "oh btw he had a sex offender named delaware on staff" and people have found his listing and vids he was in

@Pawlicker @Tony @anemone i do think there's something to be said about the whole "show biz" thing where you just push and push and push people, it's not illegal but it's crazy unethical. reminds me of that japanese dude on the game show where he was naked the whole time and could only get stuff by winning giveaways. like, you know that no matter what kind of prize money these people win or whatever it's all just going to mr beast. which then goes into building houses for random people in africa or whatever, which generates more revenue for him to do more stupid shit.

pewdiepie must be feeling damn good about himself right about now, knowing he didn't have to do ANY of this crazy shit to be the most popular youtuber. if mr beast was authentic for a single day in his life he'd be homeless.

@Pawlicker @Tony @anemone yeah i figured that was real, i'm just not sure about the part about him working for mr beast and wearing a mask in videos. if that's the case man, then fuck, that's really not good. not that i care what happens to mr beast, but it's a shame that this sort of shit just routinely happens.

@Pawlicker @Tony @anemone rap snacks 100% they're probably healthier for you. they actually sold some rap snacks ramen noodles at my work a year ago or so and they were decent enough lol.

@Pawlicker @berkberkman @Tony @anemone i wonder if snoop got a big paycheck for this or if he just did it because he thought it would be fun

@beardalaxy @Pawlicker @Tony @anemone For Martha Stewart? They've been friends for over a decade. He even made a cookbook with no cannabis involved, too (a friend of mine at church unironically loves it). There is one with gin and juice.

@beardalaxy I could totally do the solitary confinement, I'm built different

(but yeah no that seemed fucking horrible that that guy went through that)

(but also I'm just built different)

@arc i MIGHT be able to do solitary confinement, mayyyybeee, but marathon run? nah i'd die.

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