@Jens_Rasmussen @LukeAlmighty they do. The only games that don't really do that are the futuristic racers, where the progression is focused on more and more difficult tracks and your skill increasing to stay alive and get faster times.
@Jens_Rasmussen @LukeAlmighty I tend to play more arcadey racers so I'm not super familiar with dirt. I do own one of them though, I think it's dirt rally? I also have one of the old GRID games, I think GRID 2? I'll have to try them out at some point but I'm balls deep in XF Extreme Formula right now.
@beardalaxy @LukeAlmighty Dirt Rally is just an older game in the same series as Dirt 2.0, and the Dirt Series is the WRC game to play, if that is what you want to do.
I also have GRID 2, but I haven't played it that much. Dirt seems to be the only racing game that I have played that makes me focused and pumped in the many last years. I generally do not play that much racing though. I am more of a strategy/management guy.
I suck with any car that has more than 150 horse power and have to mess with the gears to make the car slower and more controllable.