@beardalaxy @matrix Funny how the point of that work was to never forget, and yet the normalfags tried to hang him for whatever imagined atrocity they thought he committed because of his reputation.

@Rhodesian_YuKari @matrix i think he just wanted to make an edgy piece like he always does idk if it's really complicated at all

@beardalaxy @matrix Yeah, he has a reputation for edgy or dark humor, but it's in the details. All his prior art is known for seeming normal on the surface, but the moment you spot one or two details the hidden context reveals itself and ruins it all. The only hidden detail of note here, last I heard, was that the book Anya holds is a real memoir written by a survivor, and the only conclusion that can be drawn is that this is an innocuous European field trip for a history class.
@beardalaxy @matrix ...remind me again what side of the Berlin wall Auschwitz and Spy x Family takes place in. It's been a long while lol. If Betty and that other girl are carrying mattresses, then I guess those kids are looting the site lol.

@Rhodesian_YuKari @matrix well auschwitz is in poland. never seen spy x family though lol.

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