
Seeing some people talk about GTA 6 potentially being $100. I don't think it will be, I think it will be $70 with a $100 deluxe edition and tons of mtx. There's no reason to believe it will be $100 for the base version of the game when R* can play the psychological game with their shit instead, which is what they have been doing with GTA Online for years.

Still, I can't say I would never buy a $100 game. I have bought $80 deluxe editions for games I was very interested in. I've paid for some games multiple times because I enjoyed them so much. If a game came around that was EXACTLY what I was looking for and it seemed like a lot of care went into it, and there wasn't going to be any extra shit tacked on that they wanted me to pay for, there's a good chance I'd shell out $100. I would probably pay that if Nintendo made a really stellar Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask remake collection or something, for instance. That has to be something that is only once in a blue moon though, because even $50 for the slop that's coming out these days is quite the big ask, let alone $70.

GTA V made most of its money on shark cards, not on the game sales. So, they have no reason IMO to increase the entry cost.

(BTW: No, I do not understand why would anyone buy money in that game, since the grind was easy and broken in 900 ways, but whales be stooopid.)

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