:emergency: GOD'S DISDAIN DEMO IS AVAILABLE RIGHT NOW!!! :emergency: 

I'm gonna' get on that shill train for a bit and just say that yeah, THERE IS A DEMO FOR MY GAME AVAILABLE. FINALLY! After nearly a decade, it is now possible for the public to play, even if only just a portion of it. Seriously, please check it out! I'd love to hear any feedback and sharing it around would be awesome as well. Right now, the game is appearing on the third page of the "Coming Soon" section of the RPG Maker event, which is actually pretty good! Wishlists will get it higher and I'd love to see it reach those new heights!

Above all else, though, I really hope you guys play it! I've poured literally a third of my life into working on this and, while that doesn't necessarily mean it will be any good, I've always wanted to just have a lot of people give it a shot. Thanks to everyone that has, and thanks to everyone that will, whether or not you end up liking it! Also massive thanks to everyone who worked on the game, including some people here on the fediverse. Without their staggering support over the years, this never would have been possible. This game might be my baby, but there have been so many people that have put a meaningful amount of time into it from so many different walks of life and for that I am truly grateful.

Demos are available on Steam and Itch.io! Supported platforms are Windows and Linux. If you like classic RPGs with turn-based combat and fantastical music such as Dragon Quest, or the open world nature of the Elder Scrolls series where every NPC is unique and there are many stories to be told, give it a shot!

Steam: store.steampowered.com/app/305

Itch.io: after-midnight-games.itch.io/g

re: :emergency: GOD'S DISDAIN DEMO IS AVAILABLE RIGHT NOW!!! :emergency: 

@beardalaxy Maybe I'll stream it for my friends.

re: :emergency: GOD'S DISDAIN DEMO IS AVAILABLE RIGHT NOW!!! :emergency: 

@sun that would be sick :D if it's a public stream, send a link! i'd love to pop in if i'm available at the time.

re: :emergency: GOD'S DISDAIN DEMO IS AVAILABLE RIGHT NOW!!! :emergency: 

@beardalaxy no problem, I can pull in a mumble room for audio. dm me your timezone just so I have it on reference

re: :emergency: GOD'S DISDAIN DEMO IS AVAILABLE RIGHT NOW!!! :emergency: 

@sun timezone doesn't matter much haha, my sleep schedule is all over the place and i work a lot so don't get too hung up on making sure i can pop in. either way, i'd be happy to hear your thoughts on the game and i'd just be thankful for people sharing it :)

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