Hey everyone! The game I've been working on for NEARLY TEN YEARS is now officially out! I would love it so much if you would check it out! If you like stuff like Dragon Quest and Elder Scrolls, this might be right up your alley!

A massive thank you to everyone who has helped me work on it, including connections I've made through fedi like @matana and @Mr_NutterButter :peepoCheers: also thanks to everyone here that kept me motivated and always liked/boosted my posts!

Definitely wasn't always easy, especially in the case of motivation, and I'm sure there are still some bugs out there I didn't catch with a game so large. I'm so happy with the way it turned out though and I'm incredibly grateful that I had the ability to create it!

(and there's a $7 supporter pack if you feel so inclined :meru_shy: )

Steam: store.steampowered.com/app/305
Itch.io: after-midnight-games.itch.io/g


@noyoushutthefuckupdad lol thank you :meru_lul: if it brings you any solace, everyone else on the team that worked on the game is much more normal than me xD

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