
filled up my 64gb sd card with music, thankfully my phone has 128gb internal storage that is mostly free. still, there is something nice about having the sd card full of music and nothing else and that being separate from the phone's storage... idk man i just like it compartmentalized.

I cannot believe, that phone manafacturers are literally taking this option away.

@LukeAlmighty @beardalaxy you will have no SD card, you will have no headphone jack, your battery will be soldered in and you will be happy

@grips @LukeAlmighty i don't think my battery is soldered in, but with how they pack everything in you have to do a lot of shit to change it out. i really wish it was as simple as sliding a back cover off like it used to be.

thankfully i just buy the $200 motorolas, partially because they are so cheap and i don't do much on my phone, and partially because they actually still have sd card slots and headphone jacks. not that i use headphones on my phone often, but it's a really nice option to have.

@beardalaxy @LukeAlmighty I just bought the 150€ Samsung that was among the top picks at Alza, it also has both. I don't think jacks and SD-cards are going totally extinct, some models will still have them
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