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they are going to have a field day with the lolicons here

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@beardalaxy @Mr_NutterButter i think global warming is a fair concern but that said, crypto is far less lucrative for than say, making these corpos get what they deserve

@beardalaxy @Mr_NutterButter fair enough and I can't blame that view of nfts. a few things of note though:
1. The common stat thrown for the shit is "in 2021, ethereum transactions produced more than 47 million tons of carbon dioxide, a footprint that would require absorption by 823 million trees for 20 years to offset." which sounds bad until you realize that in context, computers in general create 35 million tonnes a year anyway and while 10 more isn't great, it isnt the doomer shitshow its made out to be
Minting is a weird point that I havent heard of, so props on that. Doing google shitsearching, this website ( states that “Every time a bid is submitted for an NFT it costs 23 kg of CO2, every sale of an NFT produces 51 kg of CO2 , and every transfer of an NFT produces 30 kg of CO2.”. When combined with the knowledge that theres 3,200 NFTs sold per day (, I caluclated that minting NFTs theoritcially make 131,984,000 kgs of CO2 yearly, which translates to 145,487.456 US tons. This isnt even assuming the big thing which is that this can all be prevented if the rig is set up on a renewable energy setup like solar so it just seems unreasonable to jump on shitting on them immediately

2. Yeah theres a lot of bad art. There's also good stuff though

@Mr_NutterButter im just tired of how nft artists will get death threats and blamed for global warming when the money that can be made from there is not just very profitable but not even that bad because crypto transactions don't even do anything environment wise 💀

people mention how bad misinformation is before spreading it because its something they dislike

Mini Overview: Komi Can’t Communicate Season 2 

@SniperKnighter sad to see a show like this get boring. my lil brother loved this shit

@DickMolesterson yeah shit is painful to consider on a daily basis. saw their swatting video and decided to help them. tuned in more to their horrid drama and the fact they are using 100k to move instead of at least help trannies is depressing. i then found out about catboy ranch and ummm

@DickMolesterson that $10 donation i did before researching who this bitch is feels worse every day

@MoeBritannica my friend on discord saw this on my stream and died laughing

what do yall like or dislike about socialists? Specifically socialists, not sjws.

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