@Humpleupagus @coded_artist @Witch_Hunter_Siegfired Paco, I'll need to see a green card?
@Witch_Hunter_Siegfired @coded_artist Per one account he was one step from from getting his permit(s) (had to procure an enclosure of some sort).
One of two not-mutually exclusive interpretations I'm pondering is this was the New York DCE's final reply to his trying to set up an Official wild animal rescue center, they decided they weren't going to issue it, and the raid was among other things intended to send a message to give up.
He can I presume still do it for domesticated animals like the horses the DCE starved (wouldn't let him feed any animals), but if he's got a clue he'll get the hell out of the state. Although if he had a clue he wouldn't have tried doing this in notorious New York state to begin with.
@Witch_Hunter_Siegfired @coded_artist Paco was getting his green card any day now...
@Witch_Hunter_Siegfired @coded_artist yeah its not that hard to get stuck in bureaucratic hell because some do nothing misplaced your file
@Witch_Hunter_Siegfired @coded_artist you have to know how to ask bureaucrats the right question. while asking about a permit that has taken months to go through. just start the process all over again and dont mention your last attempt.
or else they will just tell you to fuck off and wait for your original attempt to go through. which it will never go through because it was misplaced
@Witch_Hunter_Siegfired @coded_artist you have to be burned a couple times as a white man (because our natural preclusions to patience) before you can figure this out on your own.
@Marakus I feel you man, and I wish things were different.
We have to go back.
Pic is Leo Frank, demonstrating what we need to do to 99.9% of politicians.