@Morghur @coded_artist historically, it's because of either sexual violence or sex/nudity regarding someone who is or appears to be under 18.
Silent Hill f is going to be a banger of a game, I think. It's unfortunate that they're moving the series away from its namesake, though.
@Morghur @coded_artist well the ratings board knows a lot more than we do but maybe they are under some sort of nda or whatever so they can't say what the content is quite yet. I wonder if any other ratings board has released their ratings. It would paint a bit of a clearer picture.
I believe the director of SHf said that the series had become way too westernized, and he wanted to get it back to its Japanese roots so he set the game in Japan. Kind of like a forced refresh. It's true, pretty much everything past team silent was developed by western studios and the style of horror definitely changed. The two most recent games (not including the sh2 remake, which is still more "westernized" than the original) were absolute western slop shit shows. The ones that came before that back during the PS3 were better, but you could tell it was missing that unique Japanese charm. Just because the original silent hill games are set in a town in the US and took a lot of inspiration from the culture doesn't mean they didn't still feel like it was a Japanese team that made them, if that makes sense. This has been a huge point of criticism among the sh fanbase for a very long time.
So, I understand the reasoning behind it. I just find that, yeah, it looks more like Fatal Frame without a camera than it does Silent Hill. I think, and hope, it'll be a good game still but moving away from the town of Silent Hill itself is just an unfortunate thing. Especially so when I think about what kind of lore implications it would have, considering Ascension and whatever that free demo was called bungling it. Fingers crossed, though... Maybe it's not quite what I think it's going to be.