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@catmanmancat i mistakenly unlocked the free premium youtube on my account and they know im a mechanic so they show me a bunch of mechanic shit and i saw this and i choked

@coded_artist interesting enough that lie would have continued if it wasn't for assassin Creed.

A lot of History channels and people reporting weird and fun historical facts kept regurging that information from Wikipedia without checking the information and after the whole assassin Creed thing a lot of people who are extremely autistic who like to dig into details dug into the matter I figured out that the entire thing was fake and with fabricated by one person.

If it wasn't for assassin's Creed this could have been cemented as a fact definitively if it didn't get addressed in a hundred years

@coded_artist the one good thing Japan has going forward is that they can't use the colonialism oppressor language against them and they can't insinuate that there were other people besides the native Japanese and their lands.

Japan's probably the closest there's ever been to a full ethno state.

@Rudolf_von_Goldenbaum Nothing new.
Boomers won't listen, fully brainwashed on this topic.
And anyone who looked into the matter knows this stuff already.

He was a communist political tool, a degenerate nigger who hired whores for orgies while a kike wrote all his speeches.

This is interesting and brings up a good point I have thought about over the years.

Reservations are technically not US soil. They are micronations land locked by the US. Federal agents do not have jurisdiction in them. But yet anyone born in them are considered US citizens.

Or at least, they WERE. :frieren_ball:
After you guys posted about Sousou no Frieren, I was under impression, that Fern is a grown-up human mage, and Frieren is her naughty young adoptive daughter or something.
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