Marc Andreessen on JRE discussing questionable atomic bomb testing films. Longer version starting at ~8:20 (does anyone know if there's an invidious timestamp suffix?)
Tags: 1900_1945, crime, degeneracy, gays, homosexuals, germany, lgbt, magnus_hirschfeld, national_socialism, nazi, pedophile, sexual_degeneracy, trans Source: The booru is down for now Download all the images here Check us out on Gab and Telegram
@TimeSpent>After secret negotiations, the government agreed not to prosecute Boeing on a charge of defrauding the United States by deceiving regulators about the flight system. The settlement included a $243.6 million fine, a $500 million fund for victim compensation, and nearly $1.8 billion to airlines whose Max jets were grounded for nearly two years.
each worker honey bee lives and works his entire life which is about 5-6 weeks long to bring you 1/12 a teaspoon of honey. they can visit and pollenate up to 1000 flowers a day. you can leave a spoon of sugar water out for them by their favorite flowers. its bee-sically free 🐝