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There are people in the comments unironically complaining about how dare the operator be joking.

WELL,,,, you called the gun guy to come to your house. The gun guy has to make a civilized offer to your child of either you agree with the state, or you die.

The operator was not JOKING. He was explaining to the single mother what her actions could lead to. And as always, people had to ignore all of it, because how dare he mansplain to a woman that actions do have consequences....

~Bethany - Yoga~

Bethany is often taken aside for private lessons after yoga class ends for the day.

Jew just snatched up some tip money left on a table with his prehensile nose
@Wormwood I've almost entirely given up on linux. Things like:

-Printing labels
-printing 8.5x11 sheets of text
-burning cds
-exporting 4k HDR video
-copying files

have ALL required me to try multiple programs, libraries, workarounds while robbing me of hours of my free time. I don't have the patience for it. Every time it's out to find threads and read error codes, which are only sometimes fixable anyways. Sometimes it's "oh yeah you should just use windows for that" but most of the time it's "uh well it shouldn't do that, IDK what that is"

It's like how car guys balk when normies don't want to spend time rotating tires and changing oil. If it's not your hobby it's not the least bit rewarding or fun, it's just theft of lifespan for FOSS' sake
also lol @ "I just use another program for that"
noticing a concerning trend here with linux stuff. When I'm routinely looking for solutions to basic software functions, the most common fix is "just download this other thing that does that."
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@coded_artist Stop calling them diversity hires call them what they really are: Bioleninist comissars

Tags: article, jews, europe, george_soros, immigration, refugees, subversion
Source: The booru is down for now
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China is tired of always losing to the US at basketball so they genetically created this 7'5 retard in a lab
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