Learning new vocabulary daily with fedi. Posts random racial slur every day.
Source of data: http://rsdb.org
The racial slur of the day is Buckethead.
It is used to refer to Koreans.
Deep lore: Of all Asian groups, Koreans are said to have the biggest heads.
The racial slur of the day is Blackrobe.
It is used to refer to Whites.
Deep lore: White Missionaries. Native American term.
The racial slur of the day is HAB.
It is used to refer to Asians.
Deep lore: Hot Asian Bitch
The racial slur of the day is Sanyika.
It is used to refer to Hungarians.
Deep lore: Popular name.
The racial slur of the day is Scrap.
It is used to refer to Mexicans.
Deep lore: Slur used by Mexican gang members to degrade other members.
The racial slur of the day is Maize-Muncher.
It is used to refer to Native Americans.
Deep lore: Natives are known for there love of corn.
The racial slur of the day is Katzenfresser.
It is used to refer to Italians.
Deep lore: German slur meaning "cat eater".
The racial slur of the day is Jew Killer.
It is used to refer to Germans.
Deep lore: Reference to the Holocaust.
The racial slur of the day is Boxcutter.
It is used to refer to Arabs.
Deep lore: September 11th
The racial slur of the day is Gatorbait.
It is used to refer to Blacks.
Deep lore: Dark meat of the chicken that was fed to alligators.
The racial slur of the day is FUBU.
Deep lore: As in the clothing line F.U.B.U., or known by African Americans as "For Us, By Us." Racially translated to "Farmers Used to Buy (or Beat) Us"
The racial slur of the day is Norsky.
It is used to refer to Norwegians.
Deep lore: Shortened/derogatory slang term
The racial slur of the day is Meshback.
Deep lore: For Rednecks. Refers to the mesh-backed caps they wear
The racial slur of the day is Crow.
Deep lore: Used against other then Crows. Crows were scouts for the American Military or considered tradors by other Native Americans.
The racial slur of the day is Petrolero.
It is used to refer to Hispanics.
Deep lore: Hispanics Who Are Attracted To Blacks. Means "Oil Drillers".
The racial slur of the day is Lava Lamp.
It is used to refer to Hawaiians.
Deep lore: Also works on Pacific Islanders or anyone in the volcanic circle.
The racial slur of the day is Uke.
It is used to refer to Ukrainians.
Deep lore: Short form of Ukrainian, not derogatory, commonly used by Ukrainians to refer to themselves or one another.
The racial slur of the day is Black Time.
Deep lore: Perceived tendency for Blacks to be late
The racial slur of the day is Shant.
It is used to refer to Irish.
Deep lore: Poor Irish People. Derived from the shacks they lived in -- the shanty.
The racial slur of the day is Dexican.
It is used to refer to Mixed Races.
Deep lore: Dutch/Mexican mix.
Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.