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Gruyère boosted
Gruyère boosted

2022 was a weird year for me. I lost two family pets, learned to run and ran a 5k, learned elixir, broke my destiny addiction. Got and broke a Warframe addiction. Got my lifts back to acceptable levels after two years of various issues.

Next year, when gaming, I want to focus on games that tell a quality story or promote mastery over loot grinds and fomo simulators.

I want to keep improving my running times and my lifts, but no specific numbers. “Better at the end of the year than the beginning” is all that matters, even if it’s 1 second faster and 1 pound heavier.

I want to read a little more than I have been.

I want to cultivate a different friend group. The friends I have are drifting away because they were all work related and I left that industry. I’d like to get some friends around co-op gaming spaces like Darktide or Deep Rock Galactic or something similar. I’m bad at that sort of stuff so this one I expect to fail, but want to try.

Anyhow, I hope everyone out there in the void I’m screaming into find and accomplish your goals as well. Good luck, frens.

Gruyère boosted

Not caring about cosmetics is like a super power in the micro-transaction filled gaming world.

The April Fools challenge in Binding of Isaac is as funny as almost all April Fools jokes, which is to say it can get fucked with a cactus covered in lye.

Twitter has been used to destabilize the citizenry for a decade now, nice to see it lash out at the corpos for a bit.

Gruyère boosted

twitter collapse, health care 

so a twitter blue verified account tweeting about insulin becoming free actually crashes that companies stocks significantly, apparently even taking the other insulin manufacturers stocks down with them

i am actually starting to like this new twitter 👍
Gruyère boosted
Gruyère boosted

Guppy's Collar saved me on my Delirium run with The Lost. I died, got the respawn and went back in and beat him. Can't believe it. And yes, he telefragged me the first time. I hate that guy.

I am pleased with the recent appearance of the demon core in the memeplex

Gruyère boosted
Gruyère boosted
Gruyère boosted

Got a D20 in Greedier mode, I might just make it after all.

Gruyère boosted

>Blocking blue checkmarks who migrated from twitter

Better yet, make THEM block YOU.

I’m so so close to all the completion marks for the non-tainted characters in Binding of Isaac. I finished Jacob and Esau last night and was so relieved to be done with those little shits. Now there’s just the lost. I’ll either have to git gud or give up, I think.

Gruyère boosted
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