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I'm going to have to work very hard on that gold part of the handle so it doesn't look as shitty.

Handpainted (mousepainted) some wear to the edges of the sword. Also used the bump map to add wear tho the details

Doesn't look bad and it's just texture trickery... i really didn't wanted to make all that detail with geometry haha

I was wondering if these details should be made with actual geometry, but the experiment shows that a height bump map works good as long as as it looked at a distance

>Blender 3.2 is out

Meanwhile me:

Best version (and the only one i can use for now)

Reminder that i've moved all my NSFW AI posting to this account -> @stardust

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.