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It's sad but maybe it's for the best, most people suck nowadays :apensive:

No me sorprenderia que el sake Onikoroshi tambien se estuviera vendiendo mas.

Look, i'm 100% in favor of artists, but one thing is being against AI bros, and other is wanting to charge 140USD for a drawing of this level.

I realize that i don't know anything about computers when i don't know what anything of tis means

"A spark of life in a doomed planet"

I worked on this piece very slowly and silently during november and december. Actually wasn't gonna do anything after inktober and was gonna take two months to study more blender and do excercises, but you know sometimes some creative itch falls on you and you can't scratch it off, so i had to do something about it.

>Try to login, attempt 1
>Password doesn't work
>Try to login, attempt n
>Password doesn't work
>Request password reset
>"Enter new password"
>"Your new password cannot be the same as the old password"

My brother catched the coof and requested me a comfysick. I'm posting it here in case someone wants to add it to their instance.

Now that i think about it, there's a lot of stray comfs that i haven't added to the official package.

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.