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@wowaname @wowaname @cirno i've seen people who do not want to associate with anyone who shares such stuff (loli) indirectly (as a RT, for example) which i find ridiculous.

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@hideki @cirno and this is why i want more providers to allow lolicon and such, because it makes it even *more* troublesome for anyone to actually prosecute over that shit. if everyone and their dog doesnt want to host it, then government could get ideas and use it to exert more pressure over those who do host it
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@cirno anyways, that cuties thing is far more closer to cp than anything animated can be and it's still up in the net, so...

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Loli will never be illegal in the states because the simpson movie had bart's dick exposed briefly. If they went and made loli illegal and equal to cp, then everyone with a copy of the movie would automatically be charged with possessing cp. Not to mention every single server having to scrub the entire movie
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