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@beardalaxy just the fact that they want to give me work after seeing what i do is too good to be true haha

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anyways i'm closing the account in one week so whatever.

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I received a supposed job offer on my artstation, but the offer is so shady and they want me to contact them to a empty instagram account...

Speaking about musical animes, i think i'm gonna give a chance to "Beck", i've been told it's very good.

You can compare Bocchi and K-on based on the fact that both are slice of life animes of cute girls doing cute things with a music element, but aside of that they are shows with different focuses, so it's not really fair to say that one is better than the other.

That's like saying two completely different dishes are comparable just because both have egg in it.

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You have to realize this: someone calling themselves "ai artists", they do not create anything, they are only begging for stuff to a machine and they only choose whatever they think fit their tastes.

There may be some creativity at the prompt, but it's a spray-and-pray approach

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