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you will have to speak up, i'm wearing a towel

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Hideki boosted

Hello there,

I'm credited as an Art Director and Lead Concept artist these days.

I really just want to make worlds you want to go out and explore and work with nice people.

I've done work on stuff, here's some art! #PortfolioDay

Hideki boosted

i'm gonna try with the oldest Virtualbox version available on the page, which is the 4 i think.

Hideki boosted

@Olmill well i'm having problems trying to boot from the CD in fact, not even at installation

having proablems trying to install Windows98 in Virtualbox.
The thing just keeps crashing while trying to boot from the virtual CD

Ah yes, if a girl touches other girl's boobs it's just girly playful things, but if i want to eat three mega cheeseburgers in one sitting then i'm a fatass

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Game Liberty Mastodon

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