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Hideki boosted
Hideki boosted
Loli will never be illegal in the states because the simpson movie had bart's dick exposed briefly. If they went and made loli illegal and equal to cp, then everyone with a copy of the movie would automatically be charged with possessing cp. Not to mention every single server having to scrub the entire movie
Hideki boosted
Hideki boosted
Hideki boosted
Hideki boosted
Hideki boosted
Hideki boosted
Hideki boosted
Hideki boosted
Hideki boosted
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Hideki boosted
Hideki boosted
Hideki boosted


DUST storm that's it.
Not as good as i wanted it to be but it served me to see how to work with volumetrics.

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.