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More trivia: this building is very far in the picture so it's very blurry, but it has words on top of it.

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Render date: 26 October 2020

The inktober prompt that day was "Dig", and if you dig long enough you can end up making a tunnel or even a mine!

#blender #inktober2020

Imagine this: LIVE movies.

And no, i don't mean teather, i mean a movie that is acted live, like teather, but with cameras and movie-like angles and enviroments.

The effect of mirthful laughter on stress and natural killer cell activity

A recent survey of rural Midwestern cancer patients revealed that humor was one of the most frequently used complementary therapies. Psychoneuroimmunology research suggests that, in addition to its established psychological benefits, humor may have physiological effects on immune functioning.

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As a bit of trivia: that rusty bike is the same model i used in the pixel art ramen scene.

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I'm slowly re-uploading the mixtapes to my new page. Today i uploaded the Touhou Remixes mixtape

Waiting for a render to finish to show it to you

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