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Are you telling me that someone PAID 1 MILLON DOLLA for a pixel art of a monkey? Are people fkin braindead?

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I saw someone on twitter putting the polio vaccine as an example of how "vaccines really work" and why do you have to vaccinate against covid

I have .NET 4.6 but this program asks for 4.6.1 and i have to install another thing for that...

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It's pouring outside with lightning and thunders and everything :comfyuwu:

I'm gonna do just another test render and then see if i play some game.

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ah, SEGA, look at what have you done! poor fella got into embarrassing situation at the Olympic games of all events! if only you didn't issue that stupid mandate that male characters mustn't wear pants...

#nsfw #tails #milesprower #fox #hardon #furry #caninepenis #テイルス #shota #ショタ #cub #solo #penis

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hey guys where did i left my fidget spinner

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Game Liberty Mastodon

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