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>”games today are better than back in 2014 you PORN ADDICT. there’s REMAKE, REMAKE, ESG shit, REMAKE, ESG shit, REMAKE with ESG shit, and BEAR SEX!”

And there we go.

Our wonderful "Somalian" friend got indited on the obstruction of business charge ("威力業務妨害罪"). The maximum sentence on conviction is 3 years or less, and/or a fine of 500k JPY or less. The trespassing charge was dismissed (不起訴処分) as "not serious, victim forgave them, rekt by public opinion, etc" (起訴猶予).

The pre-trial detainment period is a max of 2 months (with 1 months extensions as an option), and bail is possible but extremely unlikely.

I was expecting additional charges to force a visa overstay, but the oft quoted statistic about Japan's conviction rate is fully applicable now.

ah, these lovely cheap "how to draw anime" books from 00's

this is still available on am*zon, traced cover and all

fascinating (and gorgeous!) chart showing the evolution of recorded-music revenue over the last 50 years

the first thing that jumps out at me is how much smaller the overall pie is post-streaming. the streaming services and major labels have successfully managed a) to dramatically devalue recorded music and b) to put a much larger percentage of it directly into their own pockets. it's one of the single biggest upward transfers of wealth in history — from artists to billionaire corporations

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.